Sunday, August 1, 2021

Pay Attention America: Australia Goes Full Police State Over Pandemic, Deploys Army to Enforce Restrictions

Pay Attention America: Australia Goes Full Police State Over Pandemic, Deploys Army to Enforce Restrictions
Brodigan - August 01, 2021 at 08:49AM

How other countries treat their citizens during the pandemic is how the people who control Joe Biden would treat us if we let them. Thankfully, the White House is too incompetent in messaging to go full police state. Otherwise, don't think Biden wouldn't try to pull an Australia. That country is calling in the ARMY to help enforce restrictions.

Here's what's happening in the Land Down Under.

The country has already been on restriction for five weeks.

Sydney has instituted MANDATORY testing and MANDATORY mask-wearing outdoors.

Residents must stay with three miles of their homes AND be tested every three days just to work outside the area.

Police have the power to close businesses.

Here's the fun one: the Australian ARMY has been called in "to assist police by going door to door to the homes of people who have tested positive for COVID to ensure people are obeying the restrictions."

Sound like paranoia? Nope.

REPORTER: Are you going to be going suburb to suburb, street to street, door to door, knocking on these and actively looking for people who are in the wrong house and fining them on the spot?

SYDNEY POLICE: Absolutely.

America, to the dismay of the Biden Administration, has a Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That prevents our pudding-headed president from going full Aussie. The best the White House can do is workarounds. One is through using fear, as they did last week with the CDC's latest mask guidelines. Though they f*cked up with it. The plan was to scare people who are v*cc*ne hesitant. Instead, the CDC made it sound like the v*cc*nes weren't working. Then when the media started reporting that the v*cc*nes weren't working, the White House had a conniption. That doesn't even get into how both studies the CDC are using to justify the panic are deeply flawed.

The other White House workaround is to get Americans to turn themselves into a "police state." Joe Biden's entire agenda is based on dividing Americans into groups and turning them against each other. In this case, turning v*cc*nated people against those who made a different personal medical choice. We've already seen how easily our panic-porn-addicted neighbors can be turned into snitches against those of us trying to live their lives. Biden's hope is that v*cc*nated people will direct their anger NOT at the government but at non-v*cc*nated people. As a v*cc*nated person, the White House can eat a dick with that.

Austalia is what happens if the people let it. England is what happens if the people let it. And Joe Biden already thinks we yield our rights to him. We know what happens when we give away too much control to the government. The last sixteen months were evidence of that. Pay attention to how other countries are using a "public health crisis" as an excuse to take freedoms away. If you think it can't happen here, stop being dumb.

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