Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Doocy Hammers Psaki on Admin Leaving Americans in Afghanistan: 'Is there a better word for 'stranded'?!

Doocy Hammers Psaki on Admin Leaving Americans in Afghanistan: 'Is there a better word for 'stranded'?!
Courtney Kirchoff - August 24, 2021 at 05:37PM

It's five o'clock in Texas, so grab a drink. Peter Doocy from FoxNews ate a protein packed breakfast this morning so he could slice and dice Jen Psaki Tuesday afternoon. Here's the setup you'll want, especially if you're smart enough to stay off Twitter: former Vice President Joe Biden was supposed to speak to the press about Afghanistan at noon EDT. He didn't. The White House released a statement, then five hours later, Biden spittled at the press with a word salad statement, and even had the audacity to say "build back better." He didn't take questions, he ended and walked out. My what a great leader! Ahead of Biden not taking questions, the administration sent out its sacrificial lamb, Jen Psaki. Now you're caught up and ready to watch this four part mini-series: When Doocy Slapped Psaki:

I have to interrupt here. Did the Administration really tell people in Afghanistan for months to get the hell out? Will they show us the receipts? Was it really months or was it weeks that identify as months? How easy is it to get out of Afghanistan? What if some of these people stranded aren't American citizens but citizens of Afghanistan who helped the Americans? Were they sent emails and texts for months told to get out? Leaflets? I just want proof that Psaki isn't fibbing out her butthole.

Okay yeah those last couple of questions are pretty good. Try to convince me the Taliban isn't running Joe Biden. I'll wait.

There's only so many times we can point out that Joe Biden is an embarrassment. There's only so many times we can point out everyone who voted for Joe Biden should feel great shame. Great shame because Joe Biden wasn't exactly a pillar of accomplishment pre-addled brain. It won't matter because the left never admits their mistakes. They just advance even if they're wrong. There's no way Jen Psaki thinks she did anything other than slay at today's press conference. She's wrong, but that won't matter to her or her supporters.

America under the "leadership" of Sleepy Joe Puddingbrain Biden ran scared from the Taliban. A tribal faction with third century smarts. I'm borrowing heavily from Tucker Carlson right now because the dude made some good points. America, the supposed most powerful nation in the world but I have my doubts, allowed America to be defeated by a rag tag group of hasheesh-addicted thugs. Those paying the price now are the Americans still stranded in Afghanistan and those Afghanis who helped the Americans. But paying the price later will be all of us as enemies using modern technology have undoubtedly taken notice at how easily America falls.

Joe Biden is weak. His leadership is weak. America is weaker under Joe Biden. Doocy is right to point it out as he did above. And you and I are right to made the necessary votes to course correct. 2022 can't come soon enough.

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