Monday, August 23, 2021

Black Mom Confronts Antifa for Throwing Bombs, Pepper Gas At Her Kids: 'This is What White Liberals Do ...'

Black Mom Confronts Antifa for Throwing Bombs, Pepper Gas At Her Kids: 'This is What White Liberals Do ...'
Brodigan - August 23, 2021 at 01:34PM

Seeing white liberals getting called out on their hypocrisy is always satisfying. Especially when they look like Two Chin Becky in this video. Earlier this month, Antifa attacked a Christian prayer event in Portland. Yes, Portland. As shocking as that may sound. Two of the people at the event that Antifa threw explosives and pepper gas at were the Black Preacher's Wife's children. Apologies for not knowing her name. Two Chin Becky only identified her as the black preacher's wife. Two Chin Becky is the one introducing race into this. Because white liberals gon' do what white liberals gon' do.

Antia was holding a press conference to get all chirpy about some Antifa nonsense. When BPW wanted to have a conversation. (h/t Post Millennial)

“I know witchcraft, I'm going to curse you and your son…" #changemymind #shorts

from Steven Crowder Says