Saturday, August 28, 2021

School Board Member, Who Voted to Mandate Masking Your Kids, Won't Wear Hers Because 'It's Hard to Read'

School Board Member, Who Voted to Mandate Masking Your Kids, Won't Wear Hers Because 'It's Hard to Read'
Brodigan - August 28, 2021 at 07:34AM

Our schools are run by nincompoops. At best, they are nincompoops. At worst, they are childless, Marxist scumbags who hate both parents and children. I'm not sure where on the spectrum Emily Masters falls. But if you bottled her lack of self-awareness, it would be more powerful than Regeneron.

Leftists have a sick obsession with making our kids wear masks. Masters, with no sense of irony or shame, illustrates one of the many reasons why parents are against it. She even does so while reading a defense of school indoctrination. If there is more a poster child for homeschooling, I can't imagine. Also, please keep that person 30 yards away from school kids at all times. (h/t Twitchy)

Boring boring boring, CRT. Boring boring boring, whatever "systemic racism" is. Boring boring boring ... oh my God, it is SOOOOOO hard to read this much wearing a mask. That was just the longest eleven seconds of my life.

Let's set aside the anti-science dividers that may make spreading the 'rona worse. This specimen, who couldn't last eleven seconds reading in a mask, is very vocal about making sure your kids wear them for eight hours a day.

Masks are just another thing we know works ... I mean, it just is so clear that the recommendations among health experts are for us to mask when we are in close contact and indoors.

The recommendations among experts are not clear, nationally or internationally. They may be "clear" among the unelected government bureaucrats in the CDC. The CDC, whose "science" behind the latest guidelines is flawed and who has been exposed to make decisions not based on "the science," but based on "the politics." They may be clear among the people who control Joe Biden and tell him to scare parents into not letting their kids leave the house without a mask on. But no, the recommendations among experts about forcing kids into masks are not clear. There's actually plenty of data in opposition.

Those are all points for you to bring up at your school board meetings. We're here today to revel in brazen hypocrisy. Emily Masters is not the only school board member who wants to force your kids into masks she can't last eleven seconds wearing herself. She's only the first assclown to expose herself in a public meeting.

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