Monday, August 23, 2021

Joe Biden Asks Private Companies to Require Employees Get the C-Word V-Word

Joe Biden Asks Private Companies to Require Employees Get the C-Word V-Word
Courtney Kirchoff - August 23, 2021 at 04:13PM

Former Vice President Joe Biden can kiss my ass. Now that the FDA has approved the Fauci Ouchie, Sleepy Joe is out there telling companies to mandate their employees get the vaccine. If you're not sure if this is government overreach or not, it is. Straight up. I've never once had to get any kind of medical treatment to get or keep a job. I've always worked in the private sector. I like myself too much to work for government. Yes, this is a gross violation of your privacy rights. In my opinion. We'll talk about that after you watch this mother f*cker explain it:

Let me take this opportunity to remind everyone here I voted for Trump. Maybe I've never said that. If I haven't, let it be known Joe Biden as president isn't may fault. There's also like an 85% chance he isn't your fault either. Probably a higher chance, let's be real.

Also for the record, if I ever hear a liberal or a Democrat say "my body my choice" while also mandating the vaccine, I will blow an internal gasket which may result in much more than just a rant on my phone from my car. Fair warning.

What a company does or doesn't do really isn't the business of Poopy Pants Joe. I can't emphasize that enough. Further, this is a real chance for private America to show government America that we are NOT the kinds of people to be pushed around by bureaucrats. We are not the people of Australia who are defenseless. We do not look to government to make our decisions for us.

If you're a business owner, I'm calling on YOU to tell Joe to take his suggestion and shove it up his anal cavity. Here's looking at you, Elon Musk. Might be a bit cramped up there, what with all the hands vying to control the puppet...

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