Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Unhinged Lady Cancels Family Doctor Because Doctor Disagrees with Media About Mask Mandates

Unhinged Lady Cancels Family Doctor Because Doctor Disagrees with Media About Mask Mandates
Brodigan - August 25, 2021 at 01:52PM

Leftists want you to listen to their experts. Not THE experts. But THEIR experts. As soon as one of THEIR experts disagrees with them, you shouldn't listen. My opinion is that when it comes to questions about your personal health, you should listen to your doctor. Not anyone with the word "doctor" in their name who is on television. Not Doctor Fauci just because he's always on cable news saying questionable Dr. Fauci things. YOUR doctor. The doctor who knows your and your family's medical history.

This lady has a different opinion. Her family doctor disagreed with a news article about masks. So the lady canceled her family doctor and is going elsewhere.

I'm reminded of a doctor's appointment last summer. One of the administrators freaked out because my mask slid under my nose. The actual doctor who was more concerned with why I was there didn't notice. Neither did the person giving me the 'rona test I needed before I even got to see the doctor.

This specimen stands out from the other wealth of content from @LibsOfTikTok because I will bet all the money in my poker right now she claims he follows "the science." And anyone who disagrees with her is "anti-science." No, you loon. You don't follow "the science." You follow the television. You follow the meme you saw on the Fauci Fan Fiction subreddit. You don't follow science or experts. If you did, you wouldn't be freaking out on your doctor because they disagreed with something you saw on the internet.

Crazy Lady said it was an annual physical and a family doctor. I can't imagine this was the first time seeing this doctor. The doctor most likely has been taking care of the family for years and years. Yet because the doctor — the one person in this equation with a medical degree — said that a room full of v*cc*nated people could maybe pull the masks down, the doctor is viewed as the wackadoodle.

Let this video stand as a warning. If you are so addicted to panic porn you are canceling your family doctor over a news article, it's time to turn off CNN. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe only wear one mask outside instead of twelve. Because someone isn't getting enough oxygen to their brain.

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