Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Joe Biden Praises Alleged Bully Megan Rapinoe (Whose Name He Can't Remember) as the 'Best' of America

Joe Biden Praises Alleged Bully Megan Rapinoe (Whose Name He Can't Remember) as the 'Best' of America
Brodigan - August 24, 2021 at 11:42AM

Joe Biden took a break from embarrassing Americans on the world stage to welcome the WNBA world champions to the White House. Yes, there is still a girl version of the NBA. And the Seattle Storm won their version of the NBA finals, led by star point guard Sue Bird. Sue is engaged to Megan Rapinoe, an athlete in her own right. Rapinoe is known for coming in third place in this year's Olympics, driving customers away from Subway, and allegedly bullying her teammates into kneeling for the national anthem.

Joe Biden believes the bitterly partisan and divisive Rapinoe "represent the best of what America stands for." Even though he can't remember her name.

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