Friday, August 27, 2021

Trump Addresses the Nation on the Terror Attack in Kabul. This Is What a President SHOULD Sound Like

Trump Addresses the Nation on the Terror Attack in Kabul. This Is What a President SHOULD Sound Like
Brodigan - August 27, 2021 at 08:09AM

If you haven't watched Joe Biden's embarrassing speech yesterday, I recommend doing so after you watch this Donald Trump video. Comparing and contrasting is key. They both spoke about the same terror attack and the same loss of American life. Watch Trump. Watch Biden. Then ask yourself if you could go for some mean tweets today. (h/t The Post Millennial, one of my top daily go-tos.)

"As one nation, America mourns the loss of our brave and brilliant American service members in a savage and barbaric terrorist attack in Afghanistan. These noble American warriors laid down their lives in the line of duty. They sacrificed themselves for the country that they loved, racing against time to rescue their fellow citizens from harm's way. ..."

"I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of those we have lost. Today, all Americans grieve alongside you. Together, we also pray that God will heal the other courageous American service members who were wounded in this heinous attack. ..."

This is the key part:

"This tragedy should never have taken place. It should never have happened. And it would not have happened if I were your president. Over the past few weeks, I know that many Americans have felt profound sorrow and even pain watching the events taking place in Afghanistan, and perhaps none more so than the veterans of that 20-year war. Many of them answered the call proudly and without hesitation after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Every American who served in Afghanistan has made tremendous sacrifices for our country."

Both men addressed the country about the same topic. While both men read words other people wrote for them, one man looked at the camera, while the other looked like he was reading those words. Watch President Trump from last night. Watch Joe Biden from yesterday evening. Then ask yourself which person you have more confidence in.

Oh, and also read this post about Joe Biden having blood on his hands.

Thank you, Mr. President. Maybe just invest in a ring light next time.

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