Monday, August 23, 2021

Biden's Secretary of State Asked Point-Blank 'Does POTUS Not Know What's Going On?' Gives Worst Answer Ever

Biden's Secretary of State Asked Point-Blank 'Does POTUS Not Know What's Going On?' Gives Worst Answer Ever
Brodigan - August 23, 2021 at 06:58AM

If you are someone with functioning eyeholes and a brain not made of pudding, you could reasonably think that Joe Biden has no idea what's going on. When he speaks on Afghanistan, he says things that are not true and easily proven not to be true. Whether he knows he's speaking untruths or he isn't being told the truth in the first place is open for debate. There is a good chance that instead of intelligence briefings, Joe Biden is handed a coloring book and a Crayola box of 64. One of the people whose job it is to make our president seem competent is Secretary of State Anthony "Hey" Blinken.

Hey Blinken was asked point-blank if Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, knew what day it was or what color the sky is. It should have been a simple question if he didn't have simple people running things.

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