Wednesday, August 18, 2021

TYRANNY: Police Pepper Spray Pre-Teen Girls. They Weren't Wearing Masks

TYRANNY: Police Pepper Spray Pre-Teen Girls. They Weren't Wearing Masks
Courtney Kirchoff - August 18, 2021 at 10:39AM

If the video below doesn't get your blood warmed up this morning, you might be dead already. A gaggle of pre-teen girls was apparently accosted by the police for not wearing masks. They were, as I've encouraged many times before, not complying. No, I'm not saying they disobeyed government because I personally told them to, only that they're standing up to authoritarianism. That's when the police, made up of what I think to be mostly members of the patriarchy, escalated the situation with the use of force and pepper spray. Against girls. Grown men against girls. Nice going.

Yes, this video is from Australia and I swear to the flying spaghetti monster if one of you out there says "yeah but that won't happen here because [your naive reason]" I will pop a sarcastic comment right up your sphincter. It's pretty much all I can do from here, but it will sting.

I intentionally left in the quote tweet from Tim Pool because I agree. It's nice to see someone else passing judgement. Feels lonely sometimes if I'm just doing it.

In addition to the "but it won't happen here" wishful delusions, parents saying "but I can't stand up for my kids because I have kids to feed" is a common explanation. There's a whole lot of buck passing among parents these days. Not all parents, but probably most parents. Which is super easy for me to say, not having children. I get it. As soon as there's a reason to not do something difficult, a lot of people take it. It's called the "path of least resistance," and since so many Americans seem more than willing to skip down it, I worry that what's happening in Australia might happen here. Human nature do what it do.

Human nature doing what it do also includes ruling over others with fear. The vast history of the world has mankind living some form of tyranny. Republics like the United States are blips, experiments really. They only work if we hold the line and stand up for ourselves. Or if we stand up for our children.

Australia could happen in the United States. Look at New York and California as a clue. Do not use the "but it won't happen in MY state" excuse. Tyranny is like a virus, it spreads until it kills the host or the host kills it.

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