Wednesday, August 18, 2021

'Worse Than Saigon': SuperPAC Releases First Attack Ad Against Joe Biden's Incompetence and it's BRUTAL

'Worse Than Saigon': SuperPAC Releases First Attack Ad Against Joe Biden's Incompetence and it's BRUTAL
Brodigan - August 18, 2021 at 12:17PM

If you're like me, you've been watching many of these images coming out of Afghanistan and are speechless. SAVE America, the pro-Trump SuperPAC, is speechless too. So they took those images and used Joe Biden's words instead. This is the first ad released that blasts Joe Biden for his utter and mind-numbing incompetence. Our puddingheaded president is going to need extra absorbent adult diapers as people REALLY start to campaign against him if this is only the first shot.

It takes Joe Biden's words that he said with his own mouth that Afghanistan won't be another Saigon. Then it compares similar images of Saigon in 1975 to images of Afghanistan in 2021, drawing the conclusion that this is much worse.

It's such a clean hit, even the liberal media has to admit it.

There's a debate to be had about whether this moment in the country is actually similar to Vietnam or if the images are what are similar. But Biden is the one who set up the parallel with his public remarks a few weeks ago.


As horrible as this is, it's only the FIRST ad. Using less than a week's worth of news footage. Wait until they splice together examples of the Taliban's women's rights agenda with Biden saying he stands by his decision.

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