Monday, August 30, 2021

Another Gold Star Parent Lashes Out at Joe Biden: 'Quit Blaming Other People,' 'Biden Alone Is Culpable'

Another Gold Star Parent Lashes Out at Joe Biden: 'Quit Blaming Other People,' 'Biden Alone Is Culpable'
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 08:39AM

Craig Gross is the chaplain of Gold Star Fathers for the state of Florida. His son, Army Cpl. Frank R. Gross, was killed by an IED in Afghanistan in 2011. Almost a decade before the Kabul terror attack that took the lives of thirteen service members. Mr. Gross was asked what his message is to President Joe Biden. Simple: Take some God-damn responsibility for what happened.

Taking the Lord's name is me adding for emphasis. Obviously, a chaplain wouldn't do that.

"I will continue to pray for your administration – that somehow you will find the wisdom from God to get us out of this horrific mess that, Mr. President, you have gotten us into."

Gross went on to tell President Biden to quit blaming this on the former president of the United States of America, saying that Biden alone is culpable. "The buck stops at your desk. And I would wish that you would quit blaming this on other people, take the responsibility, quit passing the buck and get on with your job and do what we hired you to do."

There is a reason why Joe Biden is refusing to answer questions about Afghanistan. One is his White House is still hoping the American people forget about his incompetence by tomorrow. I can think of at least thirteen reasons why that won't be happening. Another reason is that answering questions isn't our president's strong suit. He also struggles with forming sentences.

The most important reason is that Gold Star Families aren't shy about telling Biden how much they blame him. Kathy McCollum, mother of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum who died in last week's attack, made news over the weekend lashing out at the president. Calling him "dementia-ridden" and placing some of the blame on the Democrats who voted for him.

There isn't a single person working at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave who doesn't know Biden would answer a question about that badly. Jen Psaki is probably dreading today's press briefing herself. Secret Service will lock Peter Doocy in the bathroom.

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