Tuesday, August 24, 2021

'Just Obey': Street Musician Goes Viral with Song Mocking Lockdown Supporters. He Also Makes Sheep Sounds ...

'Just Obey': Street Musician Goes Viral with Song Mocking Lockdown Supporters. He Also Makes Sheep Sounds ...
Brodigan - August 24, 2021 at 12:54PM

Insert Link In the olden days, way back in a bygone era of 2020, artists would speak out about the government. They would view their dissent as the highest form of patriotism. Not so much in modern times. Artists, celebrities, and whatever the hell influencers are are actually pro-government. If YOU speak out, then YOU'RE the problem. Their job as artists is to do whatever the federal government tells them to. In some cases, even get paid to promote the government's agenda. Not all artists have complied. There are still a brave few who are willing to speak out. Like this HERO with his anti-lockdown anthem, "Just Obey."

I'm not one for hyperbole, but this may be the greatest song I've ever heard.

It's like we were all locked up for some sh*t we didn't do.
But let's not blame the Chinese or the W. H. O.
Or the lab they've got in Wuhan with the bats and pangolins.
It's just a strange coincidence.
The virus is within.
Just Obey.
Just Obey.
You must all Obey.

The lyrics are like poetry. But really, it's the animal noises that really drive home the insinuation that people are sheep.

I believe this dude is from the U.K., which I guess makes him a bloke. The two names he dropped in the song are British politicians. Yes, I actually did research for this blog post. That's how impressed I was with this man's artistry.

We here at LwC enjoy taking the piss out of our friends to the east. What with England being a socialist hellhole. And a constant reminder that we broke up with you for a reason and are never, ever, ever getting back together. But throughout the U.K. during these past eighteen months (plus fifteen days), we have seen flashes of heroism and bravery to speak out against wanker politicians. This man is top of my list, and I don't use the word "hero" lightly. But he is one, and I would like to buy him a pint.

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from Steven Crowder Says