Tuesday, August 31, 2021

'I Hope You Burn in Hell': Gold Star Father Shares His Joe Biden Experience, Including POTUS Getting Snippy

'I Hope You Burn in Hell': Gold Star Father Shares His Joe Biden Experience, Including POTUS Getting Snippy
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 07:21AM

Joe Biden is scheduled to address the nation on Tuesday to try to take a victory lap for pulling out of Afghanistan. No doubt, he will try to bring up his son Beau. If you haven't heard, Beau was a service member. Someone who tells Joe Biden what to say believes that makes Biden relatable. Do you know who disagrees? The Gold Star Families of the service members who died in last week's terror attack. Many of them hold Joe Biden responsible for their loved ones not being with us any more and are tired of hearing POTUS try to make it about his son.

The latest to speak out is Mark Schmitz, the father of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz. Schmitz tells the Washington Post one grieving mother yelled at Biden, "I hope you burn in hell."

Schmitz wasn't happy that Biden kept talking about his son Beau. As opposed to Schmitz's son Jared, who was the reason they were all in Dover. Mr. Schmitz told the president, "Don't you ever forget that name. Don't you ever forget that face. Don't you ever forget the names of the other 12." Schmitz told Biden to never forget THEIR stories.

The president got snippy at Schmitz, claiming, "I do know their stories."

The entire incident left Schmitz with a bad taste in his mouth.

When he just kept talking about his son so much it was just — my interest was lost in that. I was more focused on my own son than what happened with him and his son. I'm not trying to insult the president, but it just didn't seem that appropriate to spend that much time on his own son.

It's similar to Jiennah McCollum, the pregnant widow of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum. She agreed with to meet with the president even as the rest of the McCollum family didn't want to. Kathy McCollum, Rylee's mother, even referred to the president of the United States as "dementia-ridden." Jiennah came away from her meeting with Biden and him trying to make it about Beau saying that it felt "scripted and shallow."

President Biden is scheduled to speak to the nation at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. We'll see if someone finally got through to him to stop making this about Beau. We'll also see if Biden's handlers allow him to take questions after and if they gave him another pre-approved list of reporters to call on.

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