Friday, August 27, 2021

Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Claims 'Something Has to Be Done' About Guns

Here We Go: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Claims 'Something Has to Be Done' About Guns
Brodigan - August 27, 2021 at 12:55PM

We all know a smartypants who has been saying from the start of the pandemic that the left was going to use the pandemic to take away other rights. If you know someone who wears those intelligent trousers, you owe them a drink. Because CDC Director Rochelle Walensky came out and said "something has to be done" about gun violence. Immediately after posting this blog, I'm going to Venmo my editor Courtney money to get herself a pumpkin spiced latte. Though she may be busy buying more guns.

CNN just posted a clip of Walensky being interviewed for some gun-grabbing special the network is airing over the weekend. Here are some of Walensky's comments about gun violence (that's codeword for gun-grabbing after "common-sense gun reform" didn't fly) being a -- wait for it -- "public health" threat.

"Something has to be done about this."

"I swore to the President and to this country that I would protect your health. This is clearly one of those moments, one of those issues that is harming America's health."

"The research that we intend to do is going to be squarely about making America safe. Making people safe."

It's the end of a long political week, and this special doesn't air until the weekend. Count on this being a next week's issue providing Biden doesn't f*ck anything else up in Afghanistan. But some points to prep yourself on:

- Andrew Cuomo already tried using his pandemic powers as an excuse to go after guns. The only thing stopping him was being a sexual deviant who is no longer governor. The idea to use the pandemic to come after guns is already being used by the left.

- Walensky is the same lady who called for our kids to be masked up again based on faulty study after faulty study, while ignoring all the data that say masking kids is actually a bad idea.

- Democrats already tried using the CDC and a "public health" crisis for an eviction moratorium Joe Biden knew was against the law. Thankfully, the Supreme Court just told him to stick it up his nose.

- Joe Biden has said in no uncertain terms he is coming for (certain) guns.

Now CNN is getting involved with this special. Next will be the Democrats and media (but I repeat myself) stating gun control is "the science." Yes, I know Walensky also said she doesn't want gun control. No, I don't believe her.

Rest up this weekend, folks. Next week is going to be another long one.

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