Monday, August 30, 2021

Cranky-pants: Biden Says He's Not Supposed to Take Questions, Snaps at Reporter for Asking About Afghanistan

Cranky-pants: Biden Says He's Not Supposed to Take Questions, Snaps at Reporter for Asking About Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 07:16AM

Joe Biden woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Sunday. Whether or not he was woken up by that too-familiar mushy feeling in his pajama pants, I can neither confirm or deny. But Biden was in a bad mood, which is clear by his visit to FEMA. He was discussing preparation for Hurricane Ida when he uttered a sentence that has become his new catchphrase. "They tell me I'm not allowed to take questions ... "

MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes!

from Steven Crowder Says