Friday, August 20, 2021

Joe Biden Hopes You'll Forget His Afghan Incompetence by August 31. No, Seriously. That's Their Strategy.

Joe Biden Hopes You'll Forget His Afghan Incompetence by August 31. No, Seriously. That's Their Strategy.
Brodigan - August 20, 2021 at 07:18AM

Joe Biden, the most popular president in the history of history, is scheduled to give a "press" conference at 1:00 on Friday. Whether or not reporters are allowed to ask questions or whether Joe Biden will turn his back and walk away while people yell at him for a third time is anyone's guess. To the untrained eye, it looks like gross incompetence at best. Or the fact that there is something seriously wrong with President Puddingbrain at worst. Turns out, it is actually brilliantly crafted strategy! According to Reuters, the White House plan is to keep avoiding the press and lying to the American people, figuring we'll forget about it in a few weeks.

Yes. Joe Biden choking on an interview they set up with a patsy? Where he doesn't know what day it is, snaps when asked about people falling off of airplanes, and LITERALLY knocks on wood that no one has been killed while he was speaking? Meh. The White House is hoping we all forget about it by August 31. We'll take the "what if this was Donald Trump" as implied.

They expect the Afghanistan story to recede from the headlines, replaced by the resurgence in COVID-19 cases, the economic recovery and other issues, people familiar with the matter said.

Got it. So, to distract from the war in Afghanistan, Biden is going to declare war against Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. Hoping the American people will focus more on that and NOT Joe Biden's incompetence.

Let's take a look at what's being reported this morning as news breaks that the White House is hoping you'll forget.

A source tells me, "Situation [in Afghanistan] is rapidly deteriorating… We've had Americans get beaten throughout the night." One of them, an American woman, was beaten "twice" even though she was carrying a U.S. passport.

Yesterday @PentagonPresSec said Americans are not being impeded as they travel to the Kabul airport, no Americans harmed. The Taliban agreed to let them evacuate. What I am hearing suggests otherwise. Americans have been injured and stopped from boarding planes.

Joe Biden and/or the people who control Joe Biden are hoping you'll forget this in two weeks. It's their strategy. That, and to try to hide Biden from the public as best they can until you do.

But, at least as of this writing, Biden is scheduled to give a "press" conference Friday afternoon. Three-to-one he doesn't take questions. Two-to-one if he does, they find a hack to make sure the first question is about Ron DeSantis. It's a push that if he does take questions, he winds up lashing out at a reporter. Most likely a female one.

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