Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Nancy Pelosi Defends Joe Biden's Incompetence: 'This Is What Happens When You Withdraw ...'

Nancy Pelosi Defends Joe Biden's Incompetence: 'This Is What Happens When You Withdraw ...'
Brodigan - August 18, 2021 at 01:22PM

Nancy Pelosi appeared on her local news to talk about what an amazing job Joe Biden has been doing in Afghanistan. Or, I guess he "did" an amazing job since he's over it. Pelosi is just praising him. Here's how she answered a question about the tens of millions of dollars of weapons, vehicles, and equipment that are now in the hands of our enemy. Exhibit Q that when the Botox needle hits your brain, you should stop.

I do believe the president's decision was based on one that reduced the prospect of any attack on our homeland. And the president has made it very clear to the Taliban that any assault on any American entity or person would be met forcefully.

Right. Just like he made it clear to Putin that he would be in super serious trouble if any of sixteen things on a list was attacked. But only those sixteen things. If Putin attacked anything not on the list, meh. Caring would get in the way of Biden's afternoon pudding. Also, only a nincompoop could look at the images coming out of Afghanistan and think the Taliban is scared of Biden.

Uh oh, I just said poop. Both Biden and Pelosi need an aide to change their old-person diapers.

So, this is what happens when you withdraw. Some equipment is left there.

Tens of billions of dollars of weapons. "Some" equipment. The speaker of the House. In a related note, this country would be a better place if Nancy Pelosi's parents withdrew into a sock.

It was hoped that it would be used by the Afghan military to defend its own country. The fact that it did not and could is all the more reason for us to leave.

Okay, they are apparently sticking to that talking point. Even though the experts Joe Biden ignored have made it clear that it's not true.

I understand that Nancy Pelosi is really old. She's been in office for 217 years and knows that nine times out of ten, she can get away with any crazy words that come out of her mouth. The media has never held her accountable for them before. Why start now?

But just riddle me this. If under Donald Trump's watch the Taliban took over and was murdering people in the streets, and Trump's response was "whoopsie," what would Nancy Pelosi's response have been? Other than a third failed attempt at removing him.

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