Thursday, August 26, 2021

Prior to Attack, Biden Ambassador Blames Americans for Not Leaving Afghanistan: 'That's Their Business'

Prior to Attack, Biden Ambassador Blames Americans for Not Leaving Afghanistan: 'That's Their Business'
Brodigan - August 26, 2021 at 12:39PM

We are about to answer the rhetorical question of what 9/11 would have been like if people had Twitter back then. Today, there was a terror attack outside the Kabul airport. At least 40 dead, including 4 Marines. Details are still coming in. I'm assuming Joe Biden will attempt to string together sentences at some point today. For now, please enjoy this video from yesterday's CBS Evening News. Where acting Ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson blamed Americans for still being in Afghanistan.

We put out repeated warnings every three weeks to Americans, going back to, I think, March or April, each one in stronger terms: Leave now. Leave immediately. Never in my 40 years of working, since I began working at the State Department, have I seen such strong language used. People chose not to leave. That's their business. That's their right.

People have been chirping about "blaming the victim." since last week. Actually, people is the wrong word. Leftist fanbois on Twitter have been chirping about it. The people who think if they shill for Joe Biden hard enough they can get a retweet from chief of staff Ronald Klein. They don't count as "people."

Ross Wilson? He's a U.S. official. He is Joe Biden's diplomat to Afghanistan. HIM blaming the victims, claiming the department "tried to warn people as best they can" is different. This is basically coming from the Biden administration. Joe Biden has already been blaming everyone but himself. But for one of his diplomats to be uttering these words, it's disgusting.

This interview took place yesterday evening, prior to today's terror attack. it took place after Joe Biden laughed off a reporter's question about Americans stranded in Afghanistan. THAT took place after Baghdad Psaki argued with reporters over what the word stranded means.

I'm sure you can trace back the rest from there.

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