Saturday, August 21, 2021

Authorities Pepper Spray Kid at Anti-Lockdown Protest. She Was Holding a Sign That Said 'Let Me Play'

Authorities Pepper Spray Kid at Anti-Lockdown Protest. She Was Holding a Sign That Said 'Let Me Play'
Brodigan - August 21, 2021 at 10:51AM

People joked that when Australia banned people from drinking alcohol without a mask, that would have been a bridge too far. It can not be confirmed if that was indeed the "one thing too many." But it can be confirmed that things have finally popped off between the repressive, police state Australian government and Aussies who still remember what freedom feels like. One of the protesters was a young girl. She was holding a sign that said "Let me play." She also got pepper-sprayed by the police. Allegedly.

Australia police target the young too..What kind of evil are you? Child abusers ....pepper spraying a young girl with a sign that says 'let me play

I throw an "allegedly" in there because the video doesn't actually show the girl getting pepper-sprayed by police. But Australian police have also (allegedly) caused a man to deny of a heart attack when he wouldn't mask up. It's also not the first time they've pepper-sprayed girls. So I know what I believe to be true at least.

This was amidst the chaos of Australians who have had enough.

America, here's where we need to pay attention. Australia didn't go straight from asking people to wear a mask to all-out chaos in the streets. This was after months of repressive lockdowns. Where people's movements were restricted and police went door to door WITH THE FREAKING ARMY to make sure you were home. The Australian government was ordering people not to talk to their neighbors during the few times when they left their house. All over a virus and a healthy dose of panic porn.

You would like to think none of that can happen in America. Then you see our puddingheaded president try to speak. And you see all of his low-information leftist fans supporting their friends and neighbors being discriminated against depending on a personal medical decision. Don't believe for one second what the Australian government is doing can't be done here by our government. Wake up.

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