Wednesday, August 25, 2021

SCOTUS Hands Joe Biden Major Loss, Brings Back Popular Trump Illegal Immigration Policy

SCOTUS Hands Joe Biden Major Loss, Brings Back Popular Trump Illegal Immigration Policy
Brodigan - August 25, 2021 at 08:53AM

Imagine being Jen Psaki and needing to decide what would be worse: fielding questions about Joe Biden's failed Afghanistan policy or about his failed immigration policy? She might like to circle back to immigration for a change. Even though it will be because of the Supreme Court handing Joe Biden a major loss in his open-borders agenda. "Remain in Mexico" is back (kinda) and could be better than ever.

Commence flashback sequence:

Joe Biden got sworn into office and immediately started repealing Donald Trump's commonsense illegal immigration reform. One of the policies was the "Remain in Mexico" policy. It stated that if refugees (aka illegals) came to seek asylum (aka illegally crossing the border), they needed to remain in Mexico until their case was called. Biden repealing that policy is a key reason why our border is in crisis. So much so that at one point Joe Biden accidentally conceded that repealing it was a blunder.

Texas and Missouri sued, asserting that Biden couldn't do away with the policy himself. The policy needed a legislative fix. A Texas judge agreed. Biden cried to the Supreme Court. And that brings us to Tuesday's decision, led by Samuel Alito.

The application for a stay presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is denied.

The applicants have failed to show a likelihood of success on the claim that the memorandum rescinding the Migrant Protection Protocols was not arbitrary and capricious. Our order denying the Government's request for a stay of the District Court injunction should not be read as affecting the construction of that injunction by the Court of Appeals.

What does this mean in English?

This doesn't mean an automatic return to the policy or Trump's commonsense illegal immigration reform. Lawyers still have to do lawyer things, and that can take years. At worst, this is another on a long list of Biden losses. At best, the legislature during the midterm elections will have to debate whether or not we should be letting more illegal immigrants into the country.

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