Thursday, August 19, 2021

Biden's UN Ambassador Brags That United Nations Sent Taliban a 'Strongly Worded' Letter About Women's Rights

Biden's UN Ambassador Brags That United Nations Sent Taliban a 'Strongly Worded' Letter About Women's Rights
Brodigan - August 19, 2021 at 07:09AM

Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, needed to be guilted to leave vacation to address his gross, negligent incompetence in Afghanistan. He came back from vacation a second time and screwed up what should have been a softball interview, before leaving for an extended weekend away in Delaware. But don't worry. I know the news may seem like all is lost and that everything our veterans and Gold Star families have sacrificed was for naught. But it's all going to be okay. Because the United Nations sent the Taliban a strongly worded letter.

Need further proof that our government is run by nincompoops? The Biden administration thinks this is a strong point.

We have expressed in no uncertain terms here at the United Nations through a very strongly worded press statement from the Security Council that we expect the Taliban to respect human rights, including the rights of women and girls. We have also indicated that they have to be respectful of humanitarian law.

Or what?

Before I go any further, since the United Nations was mentioned, this Dave Chappelle clip is necessary:

from Steven Crowder Says