Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Gold Star Father Shares Truth About Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer: 'It Didn't Happen Just Once'

Gold Star Father Shares Truth About Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer: 'It Didn't Happen Just Once'
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 09:08AM

Joe Biden does not know what the word "dignified" in "dignified transfer" means. We can now count four families who have been public about their miserable experience with the president. You would think as these families were witnessing their fallen loved ones being taken off a plane in a flag-covered casket, Joe Biden would be on his best behavior. But the "commander" in chief acted as if he had somewhere else to go and kept checking his watch.

Yes, "kept" checking his watch. As in more than the one time that was caught on camera. Gold Star Fathers Mark Schmitz, father of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, and Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sergeant Darin "Taylor" Hoover Jr., joined Hannity to share what they saw. (h/t The Post Millennial)

MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes! youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says