Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Ron DeSantis Draws Red Line Over AP Hit Piece: 'Days of Corporate Media Smearing Conservatives Are OVER ...'

Ron DeSantis Draws Red Line Over AP Hit Piece: 'Days of Corporate Media Smearing Conservatives Are OVER ...'
Brodigan - August 25, 2021 at 07:41AM

America's Governor Ron DeSantis gives us a multitude of reasons to stan him. Today we're focusing on him making the media cry mean-girl tears. DeSantis went nuclear this week over an Associated Press hit piece. The message is made clear to all activists masquerading as "reporters."


The days of corporate media being able to smear people with impunity and conservatives do nothing – those days are OVER. I can tell you in Florida, we're fighting back with the truth and we are going to hold you accountable when you're peddling false, partisan narratives.

This is not the first time DeSantis has had to go scorched-earth on the media. Most notably was the 60 Minutes hit piece about how he was v*cc*nating Floridians. It came after the NBC News hit piece about what Floridians he was v*cc*nating. The irony being the media today attacks him for being "anti-"v*cc*ne when early in the year they attacked him for being too effective at getting shots in arms. Because, then, in the eyes of the media, he was doing it the wrong way.

Now the media is taking a break from attacking him for 'rona-adjacent things. Instead, they are calling him a bully for these bars addressing the Associated Press hit piece on monoclonal antibodies.

You succeeded in publishing a misleading clickbait headline about one of your political opponents, but at the expense of deterring individuals infected with COVID from seeking life-saving treatment, which will cost lives. Was it worth it?

Face it, activist media. Ron DeSantis is just better at this than you are. More importantly for conservatives, he's better at this than Trump was as well.

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from Steven Crowder Says