Monday, August 23, 2021

Kamala Harris Cackles as Reporter Starts to Ask About Americans Trapped in Afghanistan

Kamala Harris Cackles as Reporter Starts to Ask About Americans Trapped in Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 23, 2021 at 07:45AM

Kamala Harris has been kept away from cameras over the past week. We saw her briefly standing behind her boss, masked up like she was a lieutenant in COBRA. But other than that, she's been kept away from the American people. It could be because the American people don't like her and she keeps polling as one of the most unpopular veeps ever. Maybe she was studying for her trip to Vietnam now that our puddingheaded president has created his own Saigon. Or maybe, just maybe, it's because of her offputting cackle at the worst possible times. Like as a reporter starts to (presumably) ask her about Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

Everyone HATES Kamala! | Good Morning #MugClub

from Steven Crowder Says