Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Pregnant Mother with Heart Problems Goes Viral, Claims Cardiologist Appointment Refused Over Vaccination Status

Pregnant Mother with Heart Problems Goes Viral, Claims Cardiologist Appointment Refused Over Vaccination Status
Brodigan - August 17, 2021 at 12:33PM

You know the viral video drill. Allow for missing context. Name and location are unknown. If this turns out to be a hoax, boy will I feel sheepish. What I do know is that starting today in New York City, you not only need to show proof of V-word status, you need to show ID to prove that it's YOUR V-word status. I also know the White House is considering a mandate that you need to make a certain personal medical decision to travel from state to state.

So let's allow for the possibility that it is this ridiculous in other parts of the country and exactly how this woman lays out.

I've had a cardiologist appointment scheduled since May. It is now August. Today is my appointment. [My son and I] show up for that appointment wearing a mask. And I am told that because I am not v*cc*nated and because he is too young to be v*cc*nated, I can't be seen. A five-month pregnant woman who is having heart problems ...

"She should just get the v*cc*ne. The CDC says it's safe for preggos." -Idiots right now, even after hearing that last part.

... can not see the cardiologist she has waited months to see because I'm not v*cc*nated. Tell me again that it's about public health. These doctors and nurses should be f*cking ashamed of themselves for turning away A PATIENT WHO NEEDS HELP because of their v*cc*nation status. Unf*cking real.

As I pointed out at the beginning, allow for missing context. Maybe this woman is fibbing. Maybe it was not the policy of the cardiologist's office. It was just a panic-porn-addicted receptionist who watches too much CNN being a douchebag. And this woman left in a huff. Which would be understandable. Because she is five months pregnant with heart problems and being told that she can't see a cardiologist.

Then think of all the comments you've heard from elected officials, media personalities, and leftist assclowns about how people who have decided against getting the shot should be treated as second-class citizens. Or, be "strong-armed by the federal government." Because IF this video isn't what it seems, this country is heading in a direction where it will be soon enough.

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