Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Australia Goes Way Too Far: Bans Removing Masks Outside to Drink Alcohol

Australia Goes Way Too Far: Bans Removing Masks Outside to Drink Alcohol
Brodigan - August 17, 2021 at 08:45AM

One of the few bright spots during the pandemic was the use of the "to-go cup." Our government, after first shutting businesses down and regulating who could go in them later, threw bars and restaurants a bone. They allowed them to sell takeout alcoholic drinks. It was the one bright spot in seventeen months (plus fifteen days) of suck, but Australia is such a police state, it is even banning the "to-go cup." Premier Daniel Andrews is very angry Aussies found a loophole.

There will be no removal of masks to consume alcohol outdoors, you will no longer be able to remove your mask to drink a cocktail at a pop-up beer garden on a footpath as part of a pub crawl.

Sounds both batsh!t crazy and authoritarian. You need to pull your mask down to imbibe. Unless you're these idiots. But when you look at the full story, you see it's only authoritarian.

In the Land Down Under, the government is limiting your movement and wants to limit who you talk to. That's on top of the insane lockdowns, that I guess "the science" hasn't told Australia don't work. Some local business owners found a loophole. They promoted a "Walk. Talk. Sip" event. They set up outside and encourage people to buy drinks to go. That way people can leave their houses and socialize. They won't be in an indoor public place when the 'rona could be lurking around every corner. And the bars and restaurants can try to maintain earning a living. And it's for that reason that the Australian government put the hammer down. Cocktails are only to be enjoyed if the authorities let you.

Don't think this can't happen in America? I saw security swarm a woman at Universal Studios because she pulled down her mask to sip a beer while walking. You see, the sciencey regulations state that you can only pull your mask down to sip a drink if you're standing still.

Australia is what happens when the people give up too many rights to the government. But methinks taking away Australians' rights to crush beers may finally be where the government crossed the line.

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