Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Biden Security Advisor Will NOT Rule Out Giving Taliban Humanitarian Aid. The Taliban. Aid. Our Money...

Biden Security Advisor Will NOT Rule Out Giving Taliban Humanitarian Aid. The Taliban. Aid. Our Money...
Courtney Kirchoff - August 31, 2021 at 12:53PM

There's a chance the next time I see a car still sporting a Biden/Harris bumpersticker I might shoot daggers with my eyes, emit negative thoughts, and I can't rule out the possibility one or both of my middle fingers shooting skyward. This is as far as I'll go, mind you. After waves and waves of figurative feces crashing out of the Biden White House, I do wonder about the mental acuity and moral fiber of people who still support Joe Biden. I hate them, is what I'm trying to say. Because now we have this shitstick who won't rule out the possibility the United States giving aid to the Taliban. As in the Taliban. As in taxpayer money. As in our money. To the Taliban. The same Taliban we "gifted" billions of dollars worth of military equipment. I'm seriously serious, you have to be an immoral asshole to still support this administration.

Creative paraphrase of conversation:

Georgie: "Does that include the prospect of giving them aid?"

Jakey-poo: "We do believe there is a certain degree of humanitarian aid going to the Afghanistan people. But if we're giving anything to the Taliban, it depends on if they play the games we set and constantly retreat when the going gets tough. It's going to be up to the Taliban if we give them assistance. We also left a bunch of dogs there, so I'm sure that'll be fine, George. If we know anything about Islamic terrorists or those who lean in that direction, it's how much respect they give dogs."

Did you hear a "no" because I didn't hear a no. In politics I've learned not saying no is basically a yes. It's the mathematical principle of two negatives making a positive. We are talking about the same administration which has used the circa 2018 meme of "hold my beer" whenever a new opportunity to royally FUBAR anything comes up. I think we'd all have to be as idiotic as people who voted for Joe Biden to believe the Joe Biden Administration wouldn't shower the Taliban with taxpayer cash. I hope I'm wrong but man I doubt it.

Democrats. They're pretty much the worst.

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from Steven Crowder Says