Saturday, August 21, 2021

Delaware Public 'Health' Department Cause Outrage Mocking Exercise In Order to Promote V*cc*nes

Delaware Public 'Health' Department Cause Outrage Mocking Exercise In Order to Promote V*cc*nes
Brodigan - August 21, 2021 at 07:48AM

As someone who works in social media, it's considered an insult to professionals to imply companies turn over their entire digital operations to ignoramus interns. Fair point. Let me counter by saying people accuse companies of using interns because it is too painful to admit alleged, professional, grown-ass adults would think of something so stupid. Delaware's Public "Health" Department tried pushing the government's v*cc*ne by mocking the concept of exercise.

Why yes, obesity IS still a leading driver of C*VID mortality. Hence the word "health" being put in finger quotes.

Here is the meme in question:

Remember when you gained 10 pounds from stress eating? You would have to run five miles a day for a week to lose just one pound of fat. #Gettingv*cc*nated sounds a lot easier.

People were upset with the "fat-shaming" aspect of it. Fat-shaming is the leftist concept that if someone is overweight due to their own gluttonous lifestyle, you can't point that out. Though there were a few people speaking out who saw the real problem with the Facebook post: the public "health" department mocking the idea of living a healthy lifestyle by doing things like running.

One fitness expert who hasn't lost their mind said: "If we are so worried about everyone's health, the gym should be the number one place everyone is going."

Another expert said she had already had conversations with Delaware's public "health" department, asking why they are "giving out donuts and free beer to people to do something that is healthy for them but then we're giving them these unhealthy rewards in order to do that," adding that it sends a conflicting message.

Yes, a conflicting message. Not unlike a public (that means government) "health" department mocking the idea of exercise in order to lose weight, and saying that sticking a needle in your arm would be so much easier. The public "health" department could suggest losing a few pounds. But that's not the left's preferred narrative.

It would appear having pudding for a brain isn't just an aliment for Delaware's own Joe Biden. A lack of intelligence and common sense is a comorbidity for the entire state.

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