Monday, August 30, 2021

Host of Kabul's 'Peace Studio' Informs Afghans Everything Will Be Okay While He Is Being Held at Gunpoint

Host of Kabul's 'Peace Studio' Informs Afghans Everything Will Be Okay While He Is Being Held at Gunpoint
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 07:51AM

Disclaimer right from the beginning. I don't speak Kabulese or whatever funny language they are speaking in this video. There is a chance this was shot in a sound studio in Astoria, Queens, to troll people. If that's the case, y'all got me. But my gut tells me this is exactly how this tweet describes it. The Brian Stelter of Afghanistan, on something called Peace Studio, assuring his Afghan audience that everything will be okay. All while two angry people stand behind him with really big guns.

Apropos of nothing, the Taliba -- I mean the Islamic Emirate has been taking away guns from private citizens ever since Joe Biden's gross incompetence allowed them to take control of Afghanistan.

The above video is serious and happened in 2021. The below video is comical and happen during Airplane 2 in 1982. We used to make fun of the below video thirty years ago. But satire is dead. Killed in the back seat of a car for making the wrong joke. Thrown off the roof for loving the wrong person. Stoned to death in the street for overcooking the babaganoush.

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from Steven Crowder Says