Brodigan - August 19, 2021 at 01:14PM

I'm actually okay with Joe Biden going back on vacation today and Jen Psaki not holding a press briefing. Because I'm running out of things to say about the debacle in Afghanistan other than "dafuq?" This story doesn't help matters. Joe Biden never spoke to any world leaders before he pulled out of Afghanistan the way he should have while making Hunter. Even now, I think Biden only called two of them. Neither was Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. So IFP Trudeau picked up the phone and called ... Hillary Clinton?
I also spoke last night with former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who shares our concern for Afghan women and girls. She welcomed our efforts and urged Canada to continue our work. Governments, international organizations, and civil society must continue to work together to support women and girls in Afghanistan. The Afghan people need the world to stand with them. And that is what Canada will continue to do.
I'll throw Biden something of a bone. I too would not want to talk to Justin Trudeau. Every time that walking pile of soy and hair product calls, I'm sure Biden forces a poop out so he has an excuse not to answer the phone. This is opposed to all the other times with Biden when the poop accidentally comes out. But Hillary Clinton? How the deuce does that happen?
TRUDEAU: Get me Biden.
MALE SECRETARY: Sir, the president isn't available. They're saying he crapped his pants again.
TRUDEAU: OK, then get me the other one.
MALE SECRETARY: Kamala Harris?
TRUDEAU: Eww, no. Gross. Get me Hillary.
This does suddenly make sense. No one knew what Trudeau was talking about when he said "she-cession" and "she-covery." He obviously got that from Clinton. Only the Hillary brain trust could come up with such gooey, virtue-signaling goodness. That said, what the ever-loving deuce is going on?
Joe Biden, our president, isn't calling world leaders after he caused a global catastrophe. So world leaders are talking to any American they can get to pick up the phone. This is the state of world events right now.
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