Monday, August 30, 2021

Final US Military Airplane Leaves Afghanistan and Hundreds of Americans, Who Wanted to Leave, Behind​

Final US Military Airplane Leaves Afghanistan and Hundreds of Americans, Who Wanted to Leave, Behind​
Courtney Kirchoff - August 30, 2021 at 06:19PM

We're going to try and not play the whataboutism game, but it's going to be challenging. You and I both know had there been an R where there is now a D, things would be different. That's the only reference I'm going to make. Today, CENTCOM leader General Frank McKenzie announced the final US airplane had departed Afghanistan, leaving the country and 20 year conflict behind. Also left behind, hundreds of Americans. I'm sorry, "in the low hundreds" of Americans. That matters because the "very low hundreds" of Americans left behind didn't want to be left behind in the now Taliban-controlled pit of a nation. But it's fine, because it's only in the "very low hundreds."

From The Hill:

U.S. Central Command leader Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie told reporters during a briefing Monday afternoon in Washington that the Americans who wanted to leave and who were not evacuated number in the "very low hundreds."

McKenzie said that no Americans were evacuated on the final five flights out of Kabul's international airport, where the U.S. evacuation mission was located.

Here's McKenzie saying the final flights didn't have Americans:

Who's in charge of this disaster aside, I do wonder why some of these Americans are in Afghanistan. I'm not talking about the US Military. I'm wondering who these Americans are who just decided: "You know what? I really want to see Afghanistan, let's book a trip, see if we can find an AirBNB with walls sans bullet holes." Sincerely. I want to know who these people are and why they wanted to go to Afghanistan. I agree, if the US Military under Biden announce it's time to go and those Americans can't actually get the heck out, it's up to Biden to help them out. Okay? Okay. But why go in the first place? I'm honestly asking.

Now back to the general, who thinks the pragmatic and professional-acting Taliban (yes he describes them using those words) thinks there's still hope:

"I believe that we're going to get those people out, I think we're also going to negotiate very hard and very aggressively to get our other Afghan partners out," McKenzie said. "Our desire to bring these people out remains as intense as it was before."

What does that mean, negotiate very hard? If I'm the Taliban, I think that means "give me something in exchange." As in "you want us to keep your Americans alive and not hang them until dead from a helicopter? What have you got for us?" There's another word that comes to mind: hostages. But maybe that's just because I'm not naive. Also I didn't pull the helicopter thing from my between my butt cheeks. This is going around, not yet sure of its validity:

Doesn't look great. Maybe the dead hanging man identifies as alive.

"There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure. We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. but I think if we stayed another ten days … we wouldn't have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out and there still would have been people who would have been disappointed with that," McKenzie said.

Yes, mainly the people who wanted to get out would be disappointed. Maybe because they didn't want to die a slow death via decapitation, hanging, burning alive. Just spitballing.

What lessons have we learned here? Don't worry, I'll list them.

  1. Don't rely on the US government to help you.
  2. Joe Biden is an incompetent asswipe.
  3. The people operating Joe Biden are incompetent asswipes.
  4. Joe Biden and the people operating Joe Biden do not care about American casualties in Afghanistan, they care about politics.
  5. The same Joe Biden who said you'd need nukes and F-15s to combat the US government just got their butts kicked by tribal soldiers in Afghanistan who, at the time, didn't have nukes or F-15s.
  6. The Biden Administration and possibly many Democrats by extension, who say "if it only saves one life" when pushing COVID restrictions, gun control or climate change nonsense, do not care about "low hundreds of Americans." Because they don't care about Americans, they care about controlling Americans.
I hate to say this but I think the disaster has only just begun. God help us.

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