Saturday, April 2, 2022

Bakery Wins Largest Settlement in History Against Liberal College That Falsely Smeared Them as Racist

Bakery Wins Largest Settlement in History Against Liberal College That Falsely Smeared Them as Racist
Brodigan - April 02, 2022 at 07:35AM

Gibson's Bakery in Ohio has an extra $31 million and Oberlin College is going to have to raise tuition or possibly fire a feminist underwater basket weaving studies professor. That's the scoop after the bakery was awarded the largest settlement in state history when the college falsely accused the bakery of raaaaaaacism.

Journey with me back some years. Oberlin College is one of the forefathers of woke douchebaggery that today we just call the Democratic Party. Three students were caught shoplifting from Gibson's. They also beat the shoplifter when they were caught. They were arrested and eventually admitted to shoplifting, but first, they claimed they were racially profiled. That led to protests organized by Oberlin College that accused the bakery of raaaaaacism.

Oh, the bakery owner is white, and the shoplifters are black. That seems like an important detail.

In 2017, Gibson's Bakery sued Oberlin and Meredith Raimondo, vice president and dean of students, for "slander, accusing faculty members of encouraging demonstrations against the bakery by suspending classes, distributing flyers, and supplying protesters with free food and drink." Raimondo--again, this is the DEAN OF STUDENTS--passed out flyers that said the bakery is a “RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.” Also at the time of the lawsuit, college tour guides were telling incoming freshmen how raaaaaaaacist Gibson's was. All because shoplifters lied about shoplifting.

Yesterday, a 2019 settlement was upheld by a state appeals court. The Bakery originally asked for $40 million. It was cut down to $25 million, but they also got an additional $6 million to cover their legal fees.

Raimondo stayed employed at Oberlin for two years after costing the college $40 million at the time. She left to take the vice presidency at another college. Yes, that's correct. A woman who cost a college tens of millions of dollars got a job at another college. Which is all you need to know about college.

The only way to push back against the woke leftist twats infesting academia and other institutions in this country is to cost them money. Let's hope Oberlin sets precedence.

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