Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Heckler Calling Her 'Enslaver of Women' So Hard the Crowd Erupts With Applause

Amy Coney Barrett Shuts Down Heckler Calling Her 'Enslaver of Women' So Hard the Crowd Erupts With Applause
Brodigan - April 06, 2022 at 10:19AM

You would think leftists would be over the fact Amy Coney Barrett is a Supreme Court Justice. It was only fitting that after Ruth Bader Ginsberg turn into a corpsicle, her heir would be a younger and prettier version. Also, unlike RBG, someone who has read the constitution. But not all progressives have calmed down about it. One tried heckling the Notorious ACB during a speech at the Reagan Library. The justice's response received a rousing ovation.

The video is timestamped, and there is a break while the lady yelling was removed from the auditorium. They didn't want to give her any more publicity. Also, if the heckler's head "accidentally" hit the door on the way out, probably best that isn't on video.

amy coney barrett suffering for two minutes and thirty-nine seconds

from Steven Crowder Says