Friday, April 8, 2022

Doocy Uses WH's Own Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Against Jen Psaki and She Doesn't Like It Very Much

Doocy Uses WH's Own Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Against Jen Psaki and She Doesn't Like It Very Much
Brodigan - April 08, 2022 at 07:38AM

Just when you thought it was safe, the 'Rona is back in the news. All of DC's liberal elite seems to be catching it. Also, the White House announced it will let Title 42 expire. Title 42 is the Trump-era guideline that said, in the face of a global pandemic, America should limit the number of extra people entering the country illegally who might spread it. The Biden White House never cared. They've been of the belief that you are less at risk of catching the 'rona from illegal migrants than you are a five-year-old who doesn't wear a mask at school. As well as superspreader events held at the White House.

DOOCY is concerned about the extra 18,000 people crossing our border illegally as a result of Title 42 expiring. Jen Psaki was shocked DOOCY came up with such a preposterous number. She was even more shocked that DOOCY got the number directly from the Biden administration.

DOOCY: So, about the extra 18,000 illegals your administration will be inviting to Texas once Title 42 expires...

PSAKI: Whoa, slow down Bucko. Did Tucker Carlson give you those numbers? You know he got them from Putin, right?

DOOCY: Ackshually, I got them from YOUR Department of Homeland Security. Up to 18,000 illegals A DAY. That's a lot.

PSAKI: No way.

DOOCY: Yes way.

PSAKI: Well, you said, "up to." I'm sure it will be less.

DOOCY: When has it ever been less?

PSAKI: F*ck. We need to order more iPhones to give out to them.

With everything else Joe Biden and the people who control him have been mucking up, it's easy to forget that the border is still in crisis. Or, I guess it depends on how you define "crisis." I'm not sure you can call it a crisis when what's happening by design of the people pushing the policies. What's an extra 18,000 A DAY on top of that?

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