Friday, April 8, 2022

China’s Institutes Unbelievably Draconian Lockdown Measures as COVID Cases Rise

China’s Institutes Unbelievably Draconian Lockdown Measures as COVID Cases Rise
Joseph Gunderson - April 08, 2022 at 11:52AM

Here in the United States, COVID is over. It’s a thing of the past, and it’s probably one of those periods in history that we should just never speak about because it was terribly embarrassing for the entire country. If you had told me prior to 2020 that Americans would just roll over and do whatever the imbeciles in the government told them to do, I would have said you were insane. But we did it.

Now, if you can believe it, things are even worse in China. It’s worse than things ever became here in the United States, and it’s basically over just the omicron variant. You remember that one, right? The one that’s basically a bad cold. Yeah, that one.

China is freaking the f*ck out over it, and the totalitarian regime over there has people in full don’t-you-dare-leave-your-house-or-even-breathe-too-much lockdown. I wish that were an exaggeration, but it’s really not. The Communist regime is basically enacting Anthony Fauci’s number one fantasy.

“Oooo, lock them down harder, Xi!”

from Steven Crowder Says