Thursday, April 7, 2022

Jen Psaki Bombs: Of Course, We're Giving Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants. Why Wouldn't We?

Jen Psaki Bombs: Of Course, We're Giving Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants. Why Wouldn't We?
Brodigan - April 07, 2022 at 07:46AM

Joe Biden woke up one day and said to himself, "Self, someone sh*t in my pants again." After that, he decided that he hasn't thrown our southern border into enough of a crisis. He was going to let Title 42 expire. Title 42 is a Trump-era policy "put in place since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic allowing border officials to immediately expel migrants who attempt to cross the border without allowing them a chance to claim asylum." Letting it expire means millions more illegal migrants trying to cross our southern border. Letting it expire and causing more chaos is one of Biden's least popular decisions, so Americans are going to love hearing Jen Psaki brag that the illegals are also getting smartphones.

Throughout the public health crisis, the White House's position has been clear. While your five-year-old should be masked up at all times, they don't so much care if illegal migrants are spreading the 'rona. It's not surprising that the Biden Admin is letting the public health measure expire.

Giving people who aren't citizens phones paid for with tax money collected from those who are citizens seems ill-advised, as well. I get it. The Biden administration sucks at keeping track of illegal migrants. They lose them all the time, especially those who are minors. Handing out free phones to non-citizens who are breaking the law might prove to be less popular with the American people than letting Title 42 expire.

If Joe Biden, or the people who control him, gave a hoot about what the American people think, they would have never repealed all of the previous president's common sense illegal immigration reforms. Americans are not the citizens this White House cares about.

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