Thursday, April 7, 2022

'We Giving Lia the Trophy': Swimmer Who Tied Lia Thomas and Was Embarrassed By NCAA Speaks Out

'We Giving Lia the Trophy': Swimmer Who Tied Lia Thomas and Was Embarrassed By NCAA Speaks Out
Brodigan - April 07, 2022 at 09:31AM

Collge swimmer Riley Gaines tied Lia Thomas in the 200m last month. As she was going to stand and accept her trophy, she was told by the NCAA they only had one and they decided to let Lia hold it. Lia Thomas was the competitor all the media attention was on. Lia shattered a glass ceiling this year being the first person to compete as a woman after previously competing as a man and while still having a penis. All the other female swimmers were pushed aside in favor of Lia. Though none were as embarrassed as Gaines.

She joined Tucker Carlson to share her story.

Lia Thomas' Teammate SPEAKS OUT About Trans Swimmers! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says