Sunday, April 3, 2022

NYC's Top Doc Issues Apology for Calling Black, Puerto Rican Mothers 'Mothers' Instead of 'Birthing People'

NYC's Top Doc Issues Apology for Calling Black, Puerto Rican Mothers 'Mothers' Instead of 'Birthing People'
Joseph Gunderson - April 03, 2022 at 07:51AM

The left’s war to erase women is in full swing. Lia Thomas has recently stolen numerous titles away from hard-working young women, and Rachel Levine nabbed a spot on USA Today’s “Women of the Year” list. So, the left has adopted terms like “birthing people” to further this ridiculous objective.

Now, the equal application of such a phrase is moronic and disrespectful to mothers. My daughter’s mother is a mother, not a “birthing person,” which makes her sound like some kind of livestock kept for that purpose only. It’s gross and demeaning. But as the New York Post reports, for Dr. Michelle Morse, perhaps she’s not out to erase, belittle, or demean all mothers… Just white ones.

Dr. Morse, who serves as the chief medical officer at the Department of Health in NYC, tweeted out a message regarding maternal mortality rates in late March. See if you can pick out the problem.

“The urgency of this moment is clear. Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people.”

Yeah, it seems minority mothers are still mothers, but white mothers are just “birthing people,” you know, the livestock used for popping out babies. Several Twitterites pointed out this exact thing.

But to add even more insult, her spokesman apologized on her behalf for the disparate use of the phrase “birthing people.” However, instead of apologizing for using the phrase, he said she apologizes for not using the phrase to describe minority mothers.

“We apologize for inadvertently gendering Black and Puerto Rican birthing people.”

God, help us. You’d think a doctor would understand biology, but that’s too much to ask in 2022. Not only is Morse an incorrigible racist, but she should probably have her MD and license to practice medicine revoked, she obviously never took a biology class in college.

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