Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Twitter Employees Are Freaking Out Over Elon Musk's New Ownership Stake in the Company

Twitter Employees Are Freaking Out Over Elon Musk's New Ownership Stake in the Company
Brodigan - April 05, 2022 at 08:00AM

UPDATE: These were the freakouts BEFORE Musk was appointed to the Board of Directors.

Twitter outrage is nothing new. Only Elon Musk can pull off Twitter outrage from Twitter employees by buying Twitter. And he only bought 9% of Twitter! Though, analysts aren't ruling out a full buyout. There are a lot of puckered buttocks from the leftist freaks who work for the bird app. The always intrepid Andy Ngo was kind enough to collect some of the freak-outs.

Like Twitter employees who think Musk is a "transphobe." An odd choice of words because I can't recall Musk speaking out on fairness in girls' sports or other "trans" issues. I know he thinks it's silly for Twitter to suspend Babylon Bee for criticizing a Biden official who has a wife, two kids, and a penis. Maybe transphobe doesn't mean what it used to mean. Definitions are non-binary these days.

Another employee is concerned about company culture. I get that. The presumed culture of the company, being silencing any viewpoint they disagree with at any random time they feel like doing so, is a key reason Elon made his purchase. That, and the culture of wokeness that is infesting all companies.

Some employees are so beside themselves they can't even cry themselves. They need to use a crying emoji.

There's also a lot of confusion. On one hand, Musk's purchase caused the stock to close rise 27% on Monday. He made a lot of employees a lot of money. On the other hand, he still holds a few opinions with which Twitter employees disagree. So they still hate him like they do anyone who has a few opinions with which they disagree.

Ngo's tweets are just what employees are willing to say publicly. If this story follows the usual script anonymous sources and screen captures of Slack messages will be leaking to the press within the next forty-eight hours. While employees whine, Musk is already looking to make improvements.

We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website look forward to seeing how this story unfolds. Maybe some of you will start seeing links to our articles in your Twitter timeline. The future is wide open!

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from Steven Crowder Says