Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Man Takes Pants Off at School Board Meeting to ... Demand Your Kids Wear Masks in School

Man Takes Pants Off at School Board Meeting to ... Demand Your Kids Wear Masks in School
Brodigan - August 25, 2021 at 07:21AM

We here at LwC can sometimes be unfair to Joe Biden and not give our puddingheaded president the credit he deserves. So to be fair, while Joe Biden is obsessed with masking your children to the point that he doesn't want them leaving the house without masks, at least he keeps his pants on. It may take a team of staffers to make sure he keeps his pants on, but still. Kudos to Biden for showing self-restraint. The same cannot be said for this Texas father at a school board meeting.

This should be timecoded. But if not, the striptease starts around 26:00.

“I just became a woman last week" #mytransition #shorts

from Steven Crowder Says