Monday, August 30, 2021

Thanks, Joe Biden! Video Shows Taliban Inspecting Chinook Helicopters USA LEFT BEHIND!

Thanks, Joe Biden! Video Shows Taliban Inspecting Chinook Helicopters USA LEFT BEHIND!
Courtney Kirchoff - August 30, 2021 at 06:46PM

If you're worried your blood pressure is too low, let me help you. An LA Times reporter who on Twitter is simply "Nabih" published video of Taliban soldiers apparently inspecting freshly abandoned Chinook helicopters bought and paid for by the US taxpayers.

Go ahead and press play, you know you want to.

Not a problem at all, I'm sure. Some might say the US military decommissioned these choppers prior to skedaddling Afghanistan. Some might say no they didn't. If I may ask what could be a stupid question: don't helicopters fly? If this withdrawal had been planned a little better, would it have been possible to, I dunno, pilot the choppers out of Afghanistan rather than leaving them with our enemies?

Perhaps I just revealed what little I understand about military operations. Or maybe I just proved that our actions in the recent months in Afghanistan just prove what ineffectual fuckwads the people in charge actually are. It's a coin toss but considering the level of "are you actually kidding me" of the past few weeks, I think it's the latter. I think our governmental betters in power don't care about:

  1. Americans in Afghanistan
  2. American military property in Afghanistan
  3. Our standing on the world stage
  4. How our enemies perceive us
  5. How our allies perceive us
  6. Really anything at all besides politics
But hey, at least we don't have Donald Trump saying "yuge" am I right?

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