Tuesday, August 31, 2021

#NoPawsLeftBehind Trends to Speak Out Against Joe Biden Leaving Service Dogs Behind to Die in Afghanistan

#NoPawsLeftBehind Trends to Speak Out Against Joe Biden Leaving Service Dogs Behind to Die in Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 09:55AM

Joe Biden allegedly left service dogs behind in Afghanistan. He may not care. He left American citizens behind too and doesn't seem to care about the thirteen service members killed last week. I guess to this White House, the service dogs just go on the list with the billions and billions of dollars' of weapons and military equipment we left behind. The difference is that the Taliban won't torture and kill a helicopter.

The New York Post reports that the American Humane Society is speaking out. President Robin Ganzert said in a statement, "I am devastated by reports that the American government is pulling out of Kabul and leaving behind brave U.S. military contract working dogs to be tortured and killed at the hand of our enemies."

There were rumors of a charity raising money to rescue the dogs, but as I was writing this the legitimacy of the charity has been called into question. If I get confirmation of a charity, I will update this post. What I can confirm is #NoPawsLeftBehind trending on Twitter. Thousands of pet lovers drawing attention to what has (allegedly) happened and reminding Americans of something else Joe Biden has tragically, if you'll excuse the pun, screwed the pooch on.

After this, we need to get #BiteBackBetter trending.

What's most sickening is that you KNOW the dogs are going to be tortured and killed. Any humans left behind, while it's assumed they won't exactly be living their best lives, we can hope for the best. When you see those dog carriers sitting in front of a helicopter, you know what each of those brave canines' fates is. And they're just left there like garbage.

Joe Biden is scheduled to attempt a victory lap at 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday. We'll see if the people who control Biden allow him to take questions after. The first question needs to be about the American citizens left behind. Asking about the service dogs left behind needs to at least be in the top three.

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