Thursday, August 26, 2021

Biden Addresses Nation Heavy on Political Platitudes, Actually Cites Scripture, Says "I've been instructed to call on..."

Biden Addresses Nation Heavy on Political Platitudes, Actually Cites Scripture, Says "I've been instructed to call on..."
Courtney Kirchoff - August 26, 2021 at 05:02PM

Raise your hand if you think Joe Biden is a terrible president? I'm seeing a lot of hands, I might need to call a lid on the day I'm so overwhelmed. Before I do, though, I watched the cringefest that was Joe Biden addressing the press HOURS AND HOURS after a terrorist attack in Kabul, and now you should too. Misery loves company and it could be worse. You could be stranded in Afghanistan. Also, snippets down below the full address.

from Steven Crowder Says