Friday, August 20, 2021

'As a Parent, I'm Offended': Ron DeSantis Drops NUKE on Joe Biden's Obsession with Masking Up First Graders

'As a Parent, I'm Offended': Ron DeSantis Drops NUKE on Joe Biden's Obsession with Masking Up First Graders
Brodigan - August 20, 2021 at 07:57AM

Joe Biden is hoping you forget about his gross incompetence in Afghanistan. Ten bucks say to distract from losing the war there, he tries to declare war against America's Governor Ron DeSantis. On Wednesday, you saw hints of it, where Joe Biden finally gave a press conference ... on mask mandates. Then proceeded to not take any questions on masks, shots, or Afghanistan. The war on DeSantis is coming. As you see in this clip, Ron is ready.

Of all the things you can be dealing with, you're choosing to do this and play footsie with the unions to try and create political issues? It's a lack of leadership. Meanwhile, while the world burns and parts of our country burn, you have this obsession that a little five-year-old should not be able to go to school without wearing that mask for eight hours a day. And just as a parent, I'm offended that the federal government thinks that they know better than we do as parents.

This quote shouldn't be slept on either:

I think this stuff is more political. I think it's a way to get on CNN for some of these local union-controlled politicians.

The science is NOT settled on masking up children. The "science" the White House is using to force your kids into masks is flawed and questionable. And making student-athletes mask up WHILE THEY ARE COMPETING. We've seen athletes pass out because the mask they were forced to wear restricted their breathing. Though in the case I linked to, she managed to pass out across the finish line and still won. That's pretty badass.

And I know people are telling pollsters that they "support" mask mandates. I also know how vile the left is when you disagree with them. Over the last few elections, we've also seen people tell pollsters all sorts of shit to be left alone. This is why the "silent majority" is a thing.

If Joe Biden wants this fight, especially as a distraction from his gross negligence in Afghanistan, so be it. Maybe having kids in masks discourages our pudding-headed president from wanting to sniff their hair. Joe Biden can lead the party that is pro-masking up little children. He should campaign on it in the midterms as well. That would make three summers of the left using kids as pawns.

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