Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Hysterical Teacher Compares Lack of Mask Mandate to School Shooting, Claims Teachers are Writing Out Wills

Hysterical Teacher Compares Lack of Mask Mandate to School Shooting, Claims Teachers are Writing Out Wills
Brodigan - August 18, 2021 at 07:23AM

Stop me if you heard this one before: a teacher claims going to work will literally kill them because of the 'rona. If it feels like we're living in a rerun of 2020, or more like a variant of 2020, you're not alone. Panic porn pushers (say that three times fast) are going back to what they thought worked from last summer. The latest is trying to make this teacher go viral. She's from Texas, because they haven't found one from Florida yet.

I hear teachers having conversations about affordable attorneys so that they can make a will.

We literally heard this last year. And that's one of the rare, accurate uses of literally. Teachers, usually on behalf of their unions, claimed that going back to work was going to kill them last year. It didn't.

It is like we are trying to protect our students from a mass shooting that we know is coming but cannot do anything about. Except we can do something about it, it's just that not everyone agrees that wearing a mask will stop the onslaught of students and staff who are likely to become sick and that makes me sick.

Right. Not everyone agrees about masks, including Joe Biden's COVID advisor. Also, the "science" behind the CDC's latest mask advisory is flawed and called into question. Also, the CDC has been compromised for making decisions based on the politics and not "the science," specifically with -- wait for it -- the teachers' unions.

As for this teacher, The Daily Wire reports she accused a parent whose son had C*VID of "maybe killing her friend who died in ICU in July." She also says she knows won't die because she and everyone in her family got their Fauci Ouchies. This contradicts the entirety of her emoting on TikTok.

A little empathy goes a long way, sure. I get why people who watch too much CNN would think they could die just by leaving their house. But for this and a host of other reasons, if there is one institution that has used up any empathy people may have, it's the public school system.

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