Thursday, August 19, 2021

Fat Guy Wearing Communist Hat Wants You to Know There's No Difference Between GOP and Taliban

Fat Guy Wearing Communist Hat Wants You to Know There's No Difference Between GOP and Taliban
Brodigan - August 19, 2021 at 07:49AM

Anyone claiming the GOP is just like the Taliban can lick my sack. It's something only the lowest of low-information leftist numbskulls thinks and is usually barely worth rolling your eyes at them. But now that the full power of the Taliban is being broadcast into our homes thanks to Joe Biden's incompetence and the incompetence of his administration, it's not even worth patting progressive twerps on the head and telling them to go away while the grown-ups talk. Then I saw this video that Tons of Fun made. And I shouldn't be the only one who knows it exists.

I know the Taliban. The religious, fundamentalist, terrorist organization that the United States actually funded? Well, it turns out they have the same policy platform as the second biggest political party in America, the Republican Party. So it would seem, a rational person would think that religious fundamentalism seems to result in terrorism and radicalization and hatred and bigotry. So from this day forward, I'm going to call the Republican Party the White Taliban. And I won't be debating this topic.

Yeah, about that. There is a problem ...

Yes, I am aware that I'm sweaty. It's hot and I'm f*cking pissed.


I could point out some key differences. Thinking that a bakery owner has the right to not bake a wedding cake is not the same thing as the Taliban throwing gay people off of roofs and beating them to death. Republicans in America believe women have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But maybe, just maybe, we should have a conversation about abortion and at what point life begins. The Taliban erases women from murals, kidnaps teenagers to force them into marriage, and stones them in the streets for not cooking for them.

What liberals in American think is "fundamentalism" is usually anyone who has a different opinion than theirs. But they've been led to believe that anyone who thinks differently from them is full of hate and their enemy. Sounds very similar to the current legislative body in Afghanistan right now. Liberals in America are also quick with the public stonings any time some commits the heresy of having the wrong opinion.

I could point all of these things out. But Lunchbox says he won't be debating the topic. Instead, using the logic used in this video, let me just say that both Joe Biden and the Taliban love ice cream. That makes Joe Biden the American Taliban.

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