Tuesday, August 17, 2021

TX Gov. Abbott Tests Positive for COVID-19. But he's Fully Vaccinated so...

TX Gov. Abbott Tests Positive for COVID-19. But he's Fully Vaccinated so...
Courtney Kirchoff - August 17, 2021 at 05:22PM

Why even lead with a funny haha irony paragraph when we can just dive right in. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who got the COVID-19 vaccine in 2020 (last year), has popped positive for COVID-19. Check out how AP laments how terrible Abbott is for not wearing a mask though:

The governor's positive test came as cases of the virus soar and hospitals around the state are stretched thin. More than 11,500 patients were hospitalized with the virus as of Monday, the highest levels since January. The positive tests comes a day after Abbott tweeted a picture of himself not wearing a mask while speaking indoors near Dallas to a group of Republicans, most of whom were unmasked.

Oh my god. Not wearing a mask! GASP. Speaking indoors? DOUBLE GASP. Talking to a group of Republicans, who were also — TRIPLE GASP — unmasked?!

Just roll Abbott down a dirt hill, cover him in chocolate sauce, and wait for the red army ants to nibble his skin slowly from his COVID-wracked body. That guy is literally KILLING PEOPLE.

But before we shove Ol' Greg to his doom, I have a few questions. Maybe you have them too.

  1. If Abbott was poked with the Fauci Ouchie all the way back last year, why was he being tested for COVID-19 at all? Since the vaccine, we're told, is so effective and stuff.
  2. If the "vaccine" is so effective and stuff, as we're being told and being encouraged to believe, why did Abbot get COVID-19?
  3. We're told we need "vaccine passports" so we can prove we're safe to travel since, presumably, being vaccinated AGAINST a virus would allegedly prevent that virus. How does Abbott's case help the case for vaccine passports?
  4. If Abbott is not showing symptoms of COVID-19, and has the COVID-19 vaccine, why is he being tested for COVID-19?

AP offered this:

Abbott, who was vaccinated in 2020, was isolating in the governor's mansion in Austin and receiving monoclonal antibody treatment, spokesman Mark Miner said in a statement.

Not said is why Abbot is receiving monoclonal antibody treatment and what the heck monoclonal antibody treatment is. So I googled it. Obviously the first page was all about COVID-19 + "whatever illness you just searched because we need to make you scared of COVID-19." I clicked to page seven. Who has the patience to read scare tactics when you can just click to page seven.

Here's what I found, an article from 2015. In the days of sanity:

Monoclonal antibodies are molecules that are produced by researchers in a lab that target and attack specific antigens, such as those on cancer cells.

Under normal circumstances, the immune system produces a significant amount of antibodies that attack foreign substances within the body, such as germs, infections and diseases. Antibodies attach themselves to the foreign antigen and engage other immune system mechanisms to target and attack the foreign cells.

Cool. So before COVID-19, this treatment was possibly used to treat cancer. Maybe since Gregster is wheelchair-bound, he's more alert and attune to his health issues than most.

But that's getting further away from the larger points. I just wanted to bring it up since AP didn't bother to tell us anything about the reason Abbott was tested at all. Like we shouldn't question things but just take what we're given. Therefore let's get back to asking some questions.

If the COVID-19 vaccine is so effective, as we're being told and being encouraged to believe, why would AP mention that Abbott didn't wear a mask? I thought we were being encouraged to vaccinate in order to get back to normal? Normal being faces free of dirty cloth over our nose and mouth. Or was that only for the pre-Delta-dawn?

I know, I know. How dare I raise any questions at all. I should just wait for Fauci to tell me what I should think and what I should do. But if this virus is so terrible, and this vaccine is being so aggressively pushed, and the "vaccine" seems to have not really prevented the contraction of that which it was allegedly supposed to prevent, and we're changing our entire way of lives for this cough awful virus and resulting "vaccine" I thought I'd ask the questions. In a long, run-on sentence.

Seems to me maybe we're getting scammed? I dunno. Just asking.

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