Thursday, August 19, 2021

MSNBC Star Tries Using Biggie Smalls Lyrics to Address V*cc*ne Hesitancy. Fails and Looks Stupid Instead

MSNBC Star Tries Using Biggie Smalls Lyrics to Address V*cc*ne Hesitancy. Fails and Looks Stupid Instead
Brodigan - August 19, 2021 at 12:31PM

Hi, white people. Or, more specifically, you virtue-signaling, mayonnaise-looking, woke-ass white liberals. What MSNBC's Ari Melber does here? Don't do this. Ever.

C*VID is dangerous. It's lethal, it's a bit like the "beef" Notorious BIG used to rap about...

Don't worry. It gets better.

... when he said "Beef is when your moms ain't safe up in these streets. Beef is when I see you, guaranteed to be in ICU." Well, when C*VID sees you, you can wind up in ICU. Maybe not at the same rate as Biggie's beef. But that's the part about risk. You don't want to "test" these streets and risk ending up in the ICU.

Now, I can only assume that Melber has a certain group of the v*cc*ine hesitant in mind that he's trying to appeal to. The group with more melanin in their skin than some of us. The group that makes up the largest majority of people who aren't rushing out to get shots. You know, black people. The people whom Bill de Blasio is currently discriminating against in New York City. Had this been about white folks not getting shots, this is MSNBC. Ari would just call them backward rednecks, blame Fox News, and claim Ron DeSantis wants to kill children.

But since it's African-Americans and white liberals are known to think African-Americans need white liberals to explain things for them (this is Joe Biden's party, after all), the best way to do that is through rap music. Next, he's going to talk about how the battle over mask mandates is just like Bad Boy vs. Death Row. And how Anthony Fauci is the Russel Simmons of the science. Hunter Biden is just like Ludacris for all the hoes he's got scattered around America.

If you are concerned with the hesitancy in certain communities, pandering like this that makes all races unite in laughing at you is one way to go about it. It's not an effective way. But the mainstream media has shown that whether it's white or black people, they just don't care.

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from Steven Crowder Says