Monday, February 7, 2022

Watch: Student Gets Pummeled Until She Has a Seizure While Classmates and Teacher Do Nothing

Watch: Student Gets Pummeled Until She Has a Seizure While Classmates and Teacher Do Nothing
Brodigan - February 07, 2022 at 07:42AM

Disturbing video has found its way to the internet. A Las Vegas student is seen beating another student until she went unconscious. Then, she beat her for ten more seconds. As is usually the case these days, no one stepped in to save the girl. But they filmed the person getting beat!

A KNTV news report adds that while the health of the victim is unknown, students say that as she was taken to the hospital she also had a seizure. I'm guessing that might have to do with the unprotected blows to the back of the head. There is also no report on if the girl throwing the punches was arrested or what disciplinary action is being taken. You would think the school could at least say the student has been suspended pending an investigation. But it's 2022. School districts will cover up rapes if it helps them politically. This is just a beatdown.

We'll save anger at our failing public school system for another post. Let's instead talk about an all too common occurrence where innocent people get attacked while bystanders do nothing. Let's count all the garbage people. You have all the classmates sitting around, trying to pretend this isn't happening. You see what appears to be a teacher "attempt" to gently stop the girl while asking her to stop. And the worst person is of course the person filming the attack. Who judging by the shot, was sitting RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE ATTACK while it happened.

Even after the victim went unconscious and the attack went on for an extra ten seconds, no one in the classroom did anything. The one girl just got tired of throwing punches.

A room full of bystanders watched someone get beaten to the point of having a seizure. They did nothing. This is the world we live in.

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from Steven Crowder Says